Template Features
List of standard features come with the template
Storm Is A Portfolio Blogger Template And Personal One Page/Multipurpose Template For Blogger Built With Bootstrap. Storm Is Build For Online Professionals Who Wants To Showcase Their Portfolio On Modern Way. This Is A Best And Great Way To Showcase Your Product/Portfolio/Resume. This Template Gives Better Browsing And Great Experience.
100% Responsive Layout
Storm Is Highly Responsive And Ultra-fast Template. Which Means, It Works Perfectly On All Devices Including Your Desktop, Smartphones, And Budget Mobiles.Mobile Responsive Menu
To Provide The Responsiveness And Increase In The Number Of Mobile Users We Have Also Added A Off Canvas Menu To Give Amazing Mobile Experience.SEO Friendly
SEO Is Main Thing That Makes Your Site Stand Out In The Google Search Engine. Keeping That In Mind, We Created 100% Seo Friendly Blogger Template.Custom Widgets
We Have Added Some Great Custom And Nicely Build Widgets. It's Just The Way Of Making Your Site Look A Complete Package Of What We Do, Truly Great.Well Documentation
We Provide Extensive Documentation For You To Make Your Website Easily With This Template. It Will Be Easy To Build Your Site.Extensive Layout Options
With Our Nice Looking And Advanced Layout Options, You Are Given Complete Control Over Your Template And Its Settings.

is it possible to chance the header photo in the free or bought version?
Yes, you can.
Can you explain how please ?I try too ^^
Please Read The Documentation :)
Yes, you can with these simple steps:
1. First you upload your image on server and pick thoes url.
2. Replace your url in edit html.
where I can download the Documentation of this template?>
Can any one help me that
How to add a drop-down-menu for a li in ul for a navigation menu.
Author waiting for u r replay.
I'm interested in this as well.
How do I create a sub-menu item?
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i love this template, so sleek and beautiful. but i need clue where i can change my header image. any clue?
Yes, you can with these simple steps:
1. First you upload your image on server and pick thoes url.
2. Replace your url in edit html.
could you please advise me about the details of the photo itself, because when i did what you said, my blog was error and template set up was broken.I thought when i changed the photo format, i should know what details of the previous photo
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Hello, I've used this theme to my personal blog it's awesome. but the problem is The Blog Title is over lapping with the navigation menu white bar, so please how do increase the width of the white menu bar, so that the header title stays in the navigation white bar.. Please help me.
This is a great template, but why I can't add sharing button on blog post?
Go hello Go to addthis you'll know how.
I've buy the template how can I contact your support ? template
how to fix transparent on manu?
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Hi 4 questions
1. is it possible to add more than one photo as the front header photo or preferably an animated slide show of 3/4 photos?
2. can I change the black boarders/banners to another colour?
3. can I do the same - changing the blue 'quote' banner to another colour
4. Is would I be able to add a banner instagram widget?
hey i have.. look this template before.. but.. where.. hmmm... btw this template the one i love... i have use template like this..
In creating additional blogger posts and pages, I have noticed that my pictures and layouts have been changed and must be fixed. is there a way to customize the layout and picture size within blogger posts/pages, or must this be done in the CSS? Thanks!
Wow....your theme STORM BLOGGER TEMPLATE very simple and fast loading
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I had some problems with css added by Blogger (widget_css_bundle.css) that is solved by modifying <html... in this way <html b:css='false'...
My web using this template, thanks!!
your site is cool I would also like to post the articles in full page. how to do ?
Thanks! you need to edit the CSS and make litle changes to .main-wrapper and .sidebar-wrapper
i M SORRY...But i cracked your theme...
removed branding...in free templete
can i have it ? this theme without brand
Awsemo theme, is there any way that the portfolio section include posts from a specific label ? For instantance, now the sections shows all the latest posts.
I really need HELP!
I can't find the code in HTML tamplate Demo. I want to change the top background. Somenone can help me?
You can do it editing the CSS!
Hi. I bought the template, I would like to know how to add more links to more social networks. Thank you.
Edit HTML an search "social-link"
Hi. Made. Thanks!
elegant template for a personal site
how to change background image?
header background? you can do it editing the CSS!
How to fix title of nav header? Title soo down
i delete element nav header because the title is soo bottom from nav
And the nav link backgorund is transparant, not white bro
I think you change or delete something... the Nav is OK on my blog
You can try make another blogger to test from the download unaltered version.
Plz help me about header nav and title
My web/ template now fixed. Thanks developer, this theme is awesome
Gimana caranya mas??
my web thanhduyphoto, i dont know why just show 4 post, i look your temple have 6 post, please help me change 4 to 6 post. Thanks so much
Blogger tamplate very nice and profesonal...
Dear Sir..
I want to use Storm Templates for my personal blog. i need your help to modification of "Posting Blog" area or "Portfolio" Area see like this picture, click-->
there are 3 column and each column has different topic/label which can be arrange by label. Please create in 2 Row. so i have 6 label for it...
could you please help me ?
how can I remove the blog area?
yes, your blog is same to storm template.. could you help me to change the "Portfolio" area to be like this -->
thank you
Dear All
Anybody could help me to change the "Portfolio" area to be like this -->
Thank you
waiting for 2 years but no response no reply...
uh.... nobody can help me? even the creator of this storm templates ?
This one copied from vivid-blogger-template
How do I create a sub-menu item in this template?
thanks so...
In about me how to put email in tiny?
How can I edit the preloader??
I think preloader is in the ofusqued code...
Can any one help me that
How to change the drop-down-menu(navigation menu) back ground. because its transparent in mobile version.
I bought this template just now. I want to remove the the page options in the home page. 1,2 Next should be removed. I just want to show 6 images for the posts @ home page want to remove the option to move to older/Next posts..
1,2 Next has to be removed. Pls help
Apke pass Publisher type templet nhi he
Background image not showing in Apple IOS mobile devises. please fix.
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I love This Template, canu give me another options?
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Nice Theme Currently using in my Website.
want to Watch ICC World Cup live Click here...
How to change colour of starting loding(buffering) page
It's possible to add the AdSense widget?
the contact form is not working in this template
anyone can help me to fix it?
Yes, it is not working... :(
Youtube frame couldn't be in responsive mode.
Can you fix it, please?
Good, if I buy your Vivid template, can I change the statement (read more) and (next >>) of the entries? I want it for a blog in Spanish language
how can i add favion in this template
Nice template by site WMO Script...