Wednesday, 25 May

Gossip Blogger Template

13:33 42 Comment
Gossip Blogger Template

Template Features

List of standard features come with the template

Gossip Is A Minimalist , Responsive , Seo Friendly Blogger Template.Using Gossip Template You Can Easily Show Your Stories, Express Yourself And Photos.we Know That You Need A Simple Theme And Fully Customizable Which You Can Manipulate In Very Short Time And That’s Why We’ve Created Gossip A Template With Modern Look And User Friendly Setting And Look.
100% Responsive Layout
Gossip Is Highly Responsive And Ultra-fast Template. Which Means, It Works Perfectly On All Devices Including Your Desktop, Smartphones, And Budget Mobiles.
Mobile Responsive Menu
To Provide The Responsiveness And Increase In The Number Of Mobile Users We Have Also Added A Off Canvas Menu To Give Amazing Mobile Experience.
SEO Friendly
SEO Is Main Thing That Makes Your Site Stand Out In The Google Search Engine. Keeping That In Mind, We Created 100% Seo Friendly Blogger Template.
Custom Widgets
We Have Added Some Great Custom And Nicely Build Widgets. It's Just The Way Of Making Your Site Look A Complete Package Of What We Do, Truly Great.
Well Documentation
We Provide Extensive Documentation For You To Make Your Website Easily With This Template. It Will Be Easy To Build Your Site.
Extensive Layout Options
With Our Nice Looking And Advanced Layout Options, You Are Given Complete Control Over Your Template And Its Settings.


  1. Nice

  2. The template is great but its opening approach is not right because it takes a lot of time to open it. If its opening button / style is removed, it would be better.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Template is very nice.

  5. hi.. can u teach me :)

  6. Taher Mohammad26 December at 12:00

    template is very nice , but something error in my slide , the first image only apear , could you please help me to fix it , with thanks

  7. cant install on wordpress

    1. lol, its for blogger,, how can it install to wordpress

  8. sidebar pushed to the bottom of the page.. can anyone help me fix it?

  9. how can I download this template?
    Please help me out!

  10. Is it possible to change the main colour from yellow to purple?
    And how about removing the drop shadow on the title?

  11. HMJ HKI INKAFA10 November at 18:21

    hot to edit this template mr???

  12. Ruesch Productions21 November at 02:36

    Can somebody please tell me how to change the colors?

  13. Soul Astrology21 November at 10:16

    It is possible to change colors - from yellow to whatever you like. I've also added a background and some minor tweaks regarding the author table, numer of posts showing here and there etc. In order to do so, you have to edit the main .xml file of the template e.g. using a notepad or from within blogger.

    Various sections within the file correspond with what you can see. If it is colors that you want to change, look for the section "Color CSS" and start your journey from there. There are two values that interest you: #f5bb00 which is a code for the yellow color used and its darkened counterpart #e6af00 used mainly for shading when hovering the mouse cursor.

    For example, search for this line from the original template:

    .btn-main {
    background-color: #f5bb00;

    This line corresponds to the colour of the "READ MORE" button. Change the "#f5bb00" into any color that you want, you have to know its numeric value though [e.g. #000000 is black]

    Good luck!

    1. Ruesch Productions22 November at 10:37

      Thank you so much, do you also know how to remove the "Post Author, Comment-Count Icon and the Lalebls and sharing Buttons" in the Posts? I also have the problem, that the ADs between the post on the front page are not centered (vertically)

    2. Soul Astrology23 November at 05:05

      Yes, I have figured it out. You're on your own with the ad issue though, since I don't use them.

      Explaining all of this would make this comment unreadable. Can you give me your contact? I'll guide you on how to delete those elements either by showing it on pictures or just writing all the sections of code that you need to delete. Cheers

    3. My blog only shows the big, main photo-scroll posts above the posts only if i posted 3 posts. If i post more than 3, they just disappear. Can you fix it?

    4. Soul Astrology26 November at 08:07

      @Rafito Humam; that's strange, the slider (technical term for the photo-scroll) is built to show 4 posts. Is there a blank spot where the 4th spot would have been? Did you make any modifications in the original files of the template? Anyway, try this one out:

      In order for posts to appear on this slider, they need to be featured i.e. have the "Featured" label on them. Make several posts but give the proper label to four of them at a time. Remove/add the label each time you want the slider to change.

  14. wow what a nice .

  15. Can you please tell me how to remove pre-loader because website takes so much time to load because of pre-loader

    1. Ruesch Productions29 June at 01:34

      Yes that would be nice to know!

  16. Hi, could you advice on how to remove mobile version? Aka when viewed on mobile, the site can look exactly the same as web version? Thank you!

  17. Social Accounts link are not showing in header...
    how can i fix this?????

  18. How to change the height of the slider?

  19. Manish Pandey2 May at 22:08

    best among all

  20. Do you guys know how to change the text color to be more black?

  21. Klaus Gräbe8 May at 06:09

    Hi, it's a very nice thema. Many thanks for free using !!

    Question: Although there are more than 10 posts in my blog, the first page shows only 1 post in "large content". The following pages correctly display 6 posts, but posts 2 to 6 are missing. What is the reason? How can I correct this?

    Thanks in advance for an answer.

  22. Mary Ippolito31 May at 11:16


  23. hi can you help me my page slider is not showing what should i do

  24. Pistos King26 July at 03:11

    Thanks so much for the amazing blogger template. I loved it. Can i remove the credit links from this template?

  25. 1st use in my blog

  26. thanks for these great articles dear your blogger is very Good i like your blogger tanks again and check it

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  28. power of keren28 August at 10:33

    Saya udah coba pakai tema ini, tapi kenapa loadingnya lambat ya? Apakah yang berbayar itu lebih ringan atau tidak? Mohon jawabanya dan terimakasih.

  29. Hello. I bought your template and it's really nice. Works well, but I have two problems. I can't set the post's number on the main page and one of my sub page doesn't list the relevant labels.

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